
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bumpy Ride Ahead. Be Aware.

 I read an article on global warming in Rolling Stone this morning. It is a must read.  It paints a very dark picture of the forces against global warming.  It is about 5 magazine pages long but well worth it.  It literally left me shaking. 

I combined this information with what I have been researching about corporate greed and corruption.  These oil companies will not stop until every drop of the precious resource has been extracted. There is no way they will write this off and decide to do what is best for the world. I have come to the conclusion that until there are massive climate induced problems that cause catastrophic problems for humanity - not really for us in the northern climates, mostly for the African continent and Asia - will we buckle down against greed and the demand for ever more resources.  

To cap off that positive paragraph let me double up then with the New World Order conspiracy.  A man by the name of George Hunt has some information about how the Rothschild's intend to dominate this century. The Rothschild's and some very powerful old money, are already positioned to create a new monetary regime that captures the world populace who will be herded into making a snap decision to move to the new environmental bank (or whatever they decide to call it) and give up more control of our resources or country.  I am not making this stuff up.  I can reference sources where under the guise of climate change and conservation, they are envisioning and articulating a one world government and they will be in charge.  But this will all be done under the cloak of saving us from ourselves; or corporate greed. 

This begs the question: Why are the most powerful moneyed groups that are aware of the impending problems, not doing anything to stop the environmental destructions before it happens?  The answer is obvious - because they want to control everything once it all collapses.

My goodness the frustration that I feel is palpable. What is to be done?  One cannot stop this tidal wave individually and the vast majority of people are not aware of the most basic of problems, let alone the deeper problems.  

When we do collectively wake up it will be to a herd mentality and we will run headlong into the arms of international bankers who will appear to have the solution to our problems with loans and bonds for environmental development.  We will be trapped once again.

We all need to wake up now and do what we can to save the earth and to insulate ourselves from the effects of corporate greed.  

Bee Stoic and be prepared.

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