
Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm getting the Hebbie Jeebies

Man I am getting some bad vibes.  The weather is unbelievably hot and dry.  Drought has been declared in 27 US states.  In Eastern Ontario many farms are predicting a crop failure.

In BC they have record rain and mudslides taking out houses.

The debt crisis in Europe is spinning out of control and the powers that are in charge are taking profits from the chaos.  Why give money to countries so that they can pay back the banks that in turn screw them in the bond markets and make them pay more money?

Oil is remaining stubbornly high around $100.  Natural gas has dropped to multi-year lows as the production using fracking is producing a lot and demand is low.  This is causing producers to lose their shirts. How long can that go on?

Syria has descended into all out civil war.

Presidential elections are coming up and I think the Fed is going to push the print button after the election.  Everyone knows that the Dems and GOP are two sides of the same coin.  Nothing will change. The criminal elite that put them in place are making sure that not charges are being pressed.  How can this happen?  Why has there not been a lynching?

Iran is being cut off from the world.

Locally with the heat police were exceptionally busy with many calls of domestics and drunk and disorderly. What is going on? What will the event be that triggers the whole house of cards to fall down?  Will it be a black swan event?  What will it be?  I am thinking that the Syrian conflict will draw the US, Russia, China into a confrontation that will cause massive problems.  Combined with pressures from climate change and then coupled to the Financial crisis (which in my opinion is the rooted in the peak oil problem because you cannot expand infinitely the money supply for the fiat systems unless you have energy inputs - energy cannot me created or destroyed, merely moved around)

I'm off to Wonderland for a day.  Bury my head in the fun of rides and amusements along with the other sheeple.

A quote from a web site that published this (

"In its light, we must think and act not only for the moment but for our time. I am reminded of the story of the great French Marshal Lyautey, who once asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow-growing and would not reach maturity for a hundred years. The Marshal replied, “In that case, there is no time to lose, plant it this afternoon.”"

Bee Stoic everyone we are in for a rough fall.

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