
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Iran, Canada and Silver

Well, yesterday - September 7, 2012, we saw the beginnings of another step down in the catabolic collapse scenario as outlined by John Michael Greer.  Society is beginning to squabble amongst itself.

Canada for some reason only known to pitbull John Baird - pulled their officials out of Iran and expelled all of the Iranian officials from Canada.  Hmmmm I wonder why this happened yesterday?  Could it be that the US has given a friendly conservative government the heads up that something big is going to happen.  Also as a reaction to this Silver (I was not watching gold) shot up $1.66 an approximate gain of 5%.  Hmmm, I wonder if some people know something that I don't?

Could the fact that the end of the American fiscal year for the Navy and Armed forces is approaching and the Generals want to flex a little muscle before the money runs out?  Could it be that if a new president gets into office in November then it would be harder to start a war but easier to continue one?  Could it be that Obama wants to appear tough and often a war time president gets re-elected?  I dunno, just thoughts. China and Russia are not letting the Americans away with their runaway control of the oil and are lining up to defend Syria and stop what happened in Libya 

Italy has had its debt growing even though they have entered the austerity measures that Greece and Spain have taken, and still their debt is growing at an astonishing rate (and even faster than the rate from before 1999 when money was cheap to borrow).  They are the worlds 8th Largest economy -far to big to bail out. Read this fascinating article.

How can they be contracting and yet spiralling down into more debt?  The problem has been too much debt and the load is too great.  It cannot be solved by Austerity.

Things are getting weirder and harder to understand. But the overall theme is pushing us towards some sort of climax in November or December.  Mayan prophecies anyone?

Bee Stoic

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